



Mixed media

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Entrepôt is an immersive installation that reimagines the intersection of retail overflow and industrial warehousing. The installation attempts to present archival pieces, rebated products, and overstock as part of a artful experience. By incorporating the aesthetic of an unfinished warehouse, the installation creates a raw, minimalist setting where commercial excess takes on the form of curated art.

The aim of Entrepôt is to alter the perception around discounted goods, turning a typically utilitarian storage environment into an intentionally designed, immersive space. Here, excess becomes meaningful, inviting visitors to engage with products beyond their transactional value.

Guests are welcomed to navigate through a narrative-driven space, revealing the beauty of the products' lifecycle and emphasizing their journey beyond online and retail encounters. By showcasing items ranging from surplus to samples, Entrepôt highlights the potential of using excess as a catalyst for sustainability, all the while exploring alternative points of sale.

Location: 399 Saint-Jacques Street, Montreal, QC H2Y 1N9

Dates: November 2nd to November 16th

Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 1PM to 7PM, Sat-Sun: 10AM to 6PM


Andrew Kenney